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ES0209 NPT Sparkle Base is designed to enhance the look of glitter flakes when printed onto textiles. Glitter flakes are normally slightly subdued... more info
ES0840 NPT Clear S.H.A.P.E. – ES0840 is used to extend a plastisol ink and to make it print with a softer hand. ES0840 may be mixed in at any... more info
M30063 NPT Extender Base – Mix into the M3 ink system to extend the volume of ink. Remember as you add base, you are reducing opacity and color... more info
Avient™ Specialty Inks FLEXIPUFF ADDITIVE is specifically designed to give a "flexible puff" texture effect. This additive is used to... more info
NA0005 is a curable thinner which may be added to plastisols for improved printability without altering the chemical (fusion) characteristics. Mix as... more info
M00023 Flame Retardant Additive – Rutland Flame Retardant Plastisol (Our Standard or Non-phthalate series made by adding 7.5 to 10% of our... more info
M00004 Liquid Thickener Description M00004 Liquid Thickener mixes into plastisols to raise the viscosity. Higher viscosity inks will normally... more info
EA0001 NPT FiberBond – Mix NPT Fiberbond at 3% by weight to colors when printing on light cotton garments to reduce fibrillation. Mix 7.5% by... more info
ES0022 NPT Tack Free Additive - Mix up to 5% NPT Tack Free additive into a NPT ink to reduce the wet ink tack for easier printing and the after tack... more info