Various spray adhesives, aerosols products and table adhesives for textile printers and alike.
NOTE: Don't forget All our prices include GST
Anchor weld spray adhesive. Versatile spray adhesive used in screenprinting, scrapbooking, carpet laying etc PRICE INCLUDES GST more info
Anchor weld spray adhesive. Versatile spray adhesive used in screenprinting, scrapbooking, carpet laying etc PRICE INCLUDES GST more info
Hi-Temp 90 heat activated spray adhesive 450g (550ml) spray a little when flashs are used for cotton as it stays tacky once heated, spray a lot when... more info
Hi-Temp 90 heat activated spray adhesive 450g (550ml) spray a little when flashs are used for cotton as it stays tacky once heated, spray a lot... more info
T-FIX extra General use Spray Adhesive for textile printers in a big 640ml can. PRICE INCLUDES GST more info
Flashfix extra Spray Adhesive for textile printers in a big 640ml can. Specially formulated for automatic machines and anyone using a flash curer... more info
Helmar food grade silicone spray 300g 1000's of uses, but used by t-shirt plastisol printers to help the "tack off" on automatic... more info
Helmar food grade silicone spray 300g 1000's of uses, but used by t-shirt plastisol printers to help the "tack off" on automatic... more info
Permaset water based table adhesive apply a little to your platten or table using a scraper card or brush to spread out evenly covering your... more info